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SILVEIRA, Evelyn Doering; GROB, Charles S.; RIOS, Marlene Dobkin de; LOPEZ, Enrique; ALONSO, Luisa K.; TACLA, Cristiane; SILVEIRA, Dartiu Xavier Da 2005    

Instituição de Origem Estado Instituição Instituição Responsável
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs   Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre Psicoativos - NEIP

Formato da Obra Formato Disponível Número de Páginas Idioma
Artigo em Periódico Texto integral 4 Inglês

Ritual use of ayahuasca within the context of the Brazilian ayahuasca churches often starts during late childhood or early adolescence. Premature access to psychoactive drugs may represent a risk factor for drug misuse. Conversely, religious affiliation seems to play a protective role in terms of substance abuse. The objective of this study was to describe patterns of drug use in a sample of adolescents using ayahuasca within a religious setting. Forty-one adolescents from a Brazilian ayahuasca sect were compared with 43 adolescents who never drank ayahuasca. No significant differences were identified in terms of lifetime substance consumption. Throughout the previous year period, ayahuasca adolescents used less alcohol (46.3l%) than the comparison group (74.4%). Recent use of alcohol was also more frequent among the latter group (65.l%) than among ayahuasca drinkers (32.5%). Although not statistically significant, slight differences in terms of patterns of drug use were definitely observed among groups. Despite their early exposure to a hallucinogenic substance, adolescents using ayahuasca in a controlled setting were mostly comparable to controls except for a considerably smaller proportion of alcohol users. Religious affiliation may have played a central role as a possible protective factor for alcohol use. Thus, ayahuasca seems to be a relatively safe substance as far as drug misuse is concerned.

Palavras Chave Hoasca/Ayahuasca,Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions,Adolescence,hallucinogen,Religion
Link http://wiki.dmt-nexus.com/w/images/6/68/Ayahuasca_Adolescents_ritual_use.pdf
Referência para Citação Evelyn Doering-Silveira, M.Sc.; Charles S. Grob, M.D.; Marlene Dobkin de Rios, Ph.D.; Enrique Lopez, Psy.D.; Luisa K. Alonso, Ph.D.; Cristiane Tacla, Psy.; Dartiu Xavier Da Silveira,.M.D., Ph.D.Report on Psychoactive Drug Use Among Adolescents Using Ayahuasca Within a Religious Context. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Volume 37 (2), June 2005.

META FORM name="WebObraForm"
FORM FIELD Título Ttulo Report on Psychoactive Drug Use Among Adolescents Using Ayahuasca Within a Religious Context
FORM FIELD Autor Autor SILVEIRA, Evelyn Doering; GROB, Charles S.; RIOS, Marlene Dobkin de; LOPEZ, Enrique; ALONSO, Luisa K.; TACLA, Cristiane; SILVEIRA, Dartiu Xavier Da
FORM FIELD Ano Ano 2005
FORM FIELD FormatoDaObra FormatoDaObra Artigo em Periódico
FORM FIELD Instituição de Origem InstituiodeOrigem? Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
FORM FIELD Local de Publicação LocaldePublicao?
FORM FIELD Instituição Responsável InstituioResponsvel? Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre Psicoativos - NEIP
FORM FIELD FormatoDisponivel FormatoDisponivel
FORM FIELD Número de Páginas NmerodePginas? 4
FORM FIELD Idioma Idioma Inglês
FORM FIELD Palavras Chave PalavrasChave? Hoasca/Ayahuasca,Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions,Adolescence,hallucinogen,Religion
FORM FIELD Resumo Resumo Ritual use of ayahuasca within the context of the Brazilian ayahuasca churches often starts during late childhood or early adolescence. Premature access to psychoactive drugs may represent a risk factor for drug misuse. Conversely, religious affiliation seems to play a protective role in terms of substance abuse. The objective of this study was to describe patterns of drug use in a sample of adolescents using ayahuasca within a religious setting. Forty-one adolescents from a Brazilian ayahuasca sect were compared with 43 adolescents who never drank ayahuasca. No significant differences were identified in terms of lifetime substance consumption. Throughout the previous year period, ayahuasca adolescents used less alcohol (46.3l%) than the comparison group (74.4%). Recent use of alcohol was also more frequent among the latter group (65.l%) than among ayahuasca drinkers (32.5%). Although not statistically significant, slight differences in terms of patterns of drug use were definitely observed among groups. Despite their early exposure to a hallucinogenic substance, adolescents using ayahuasca in a controlled setting were mostly comparable to controls except for a considerably smaller proportion of alcohol users. Religious affiliation may have played a central role as a possible protective factor for alcohol use. Thus, ayahuasca seems to be a relatively safe substance as far as drug misuse is concerned.
FORM FIELD Referência para Citação RefernciaparaCitao? Evelyn Doering-Silveira, M.Sc.; Charles S. Grob, M.D.; Marlene Dobkin de Rios, Ph.D.; Enrique Lopez, Psy.D.; Luisa K. Alonso, Ph.D.; Cristiane Tacla, Psy.; Dartiu Xavier Da Silveira,.M.D., Ph.D.Report on Psychoactive Drug Use Among Adolescents Using Ayahuasca Within a Religious Context. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Volume 37 (2), June 2005.
FORM FIELD Observação Observao
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