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> > | Ecologia Web PreferencesThe following settings are web preferences of the Ecologia web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWiki.TWikiPreferences and Main.TWikiPreferences, and can be overwritten by user preferences (your personal topic, eg: TWikiGuest in the Main web).Web Preferences SettingsThese settings override the defaults for this web only. See full list of defaults with explanation. Many of the settings below are commented out. Remove the # sign to enable a local customisation. * List of topics of the <nop>Ecologia web:* #Set WEBTOPICLIST = Changes | Index | Search | Go * Web-specific background color: (Pick a lighter one of the StandardColors). * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #D0D0D0 * Note: This setting is automatically configured when you create a web * Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = sort="off" tablewidth="100%" tableborder="0" dataalign="left" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" cellborder="0" headerbg="#006600" headercolor="#ffffff" tablerules="none" databg="#DFDFB3, #99CC99" * Image, URL and alternate tooltip text of web's logo. Note: Don't add your own local logos to the TWikiLogos topic; create your own logos topic instead. * #Set WEBLOGOIMG = ![]() * #Set WEBLOGOURL = * #Set WEBLOGOALT = Powered by TWiki * List this web in the SiteMap. If you want the web listed, then set SITEMAPLIST to on , do not set NOSEARCHALL, and add the "what" and "use to..." description for the site map. Use links that include the name of the web, i.e. <nop>Ecologia.Topic links.Note: Unlike other variables, the setting of SITEMAPLIST is not inherited from parent webs. It has to be set in every web that is to be listed in the SiteMap * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * Set SITEMAPWHAT = Site para o Instituto de Biologia da UFBA * Set SITEMAPUSETO = * Note: Above settings are automatically configured when you create a web * Exclude web from a web="all" search: (Set to on for hidden webs). * Set NOSEARCHALL = * Note: This setting is automatically configured when you create a web * Prevent automatic linking of WikiWords and acronyms (if set to on ); link <nop>WikiWords (if empty); can be overwritten by web preferences: * #Set NOAUTOLINK = * Note: You can still use the [<nop>[...][...]] syntax to link topics if you disabled <nop>WikiWord linking. The <noautolink> ... </noautolink> syntax can be used to prevents links within a block of text.
* Default template for new topics for this web: * WebTopicEditTemplate? : Default template for new topics in this web. (Site-level is used if topic does not exist) * TWiki.WebTopicEditTemplate: Site-level default topic template * Comma separated list of forms that can be attached to topics in this web. See TWikiForms for more information. * Set WEBFORMS = * Users or groups who are not / are allowed to view / change / rename topics in the <nop>Ecologia web: (See TWikiAccessControl). * Set DENYWEBVIEW = * Set ALLOWWEBVIEW = * Set DENYWEBCHANGE = * Set VIEW_TEMPLATE = Layout * Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = NehpGroup, BioGroup * Set DENYWEBRENAME = * Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = * Users or groups allowed to change or rename this <nop>WebPreference topic: (e.g., TWikiAdminGroup) * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = NehpGroup * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = nobody * Web preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by sub-web, user or topic preferences: * Set FINALPREFERENCES = NOSEARCHALL, ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT, WIKIWEBMASTER, WEBCOPYRIGHT, WEBTOPICLIST, DENYWEBVIEW, ALLOWWEBVIEW, DENYWEBCHANGE, ALLOWWEBCHANGE, DENYWEBRENAME, ALLOWWEBRENAME Help on Preferences
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