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Sierra Online developed several games out of the 198 websites through the 199 web site. Many will not install on Windows Vista or XP with no an external application such whereas DOSBox, an open-source program that emulates the Carry out environment also permits older software to be used in newer operating systems. DOSBox is compatible along with Windows XP and Vista like properly seeing that Mac OS X.
Moderately Easy
1 Download and install DOSBox.
2 Open up Windows Explorer and navigate to the DOSBox folder, in your Program Files folder by default. Proper-click on the file dosbox.exe and select "Copy."
3 Minimize Windows Explorer. Appropriate-click on the desktop and choose "Paste Shortcut."
4 Maximize the Explorer Window and navigate to the folder that holds the installer and data with your Sierra game. Discover the file installer.exe also drag and fall it onto the Dos Box shortcut on your desktop.
5 Follow the installer screens, pressing "Enter" on your keyboard when prompted. Continue this process until the installation is complete.
If you plan to run multiple Sierra games, create a folder dedicated to them. This will make the procedure regarding installing and functioning Sierra games through DOSBox easier.
If you have problems running a game following installing it, check the Sierra Help website to game patches also use programs.
Recommend item
Dos Box
Sierra Help