Difference: JavaScript (2 vs. 3)

Revision 307 Oct 2010 - FlavioAraujo

Line: 1 to 1
<script type="text/javascript" src="%ATTACHURL%/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//preenchimento do formulario $("#inscricao :submit").click(function(){ $("#inscricao textarea").attr("value",
" + $("#inscricao #nome").attr("value") + "\n" +
" + $("#inscricao #from").attr("value") + "\n" +
" + $("#inscricao #cpf").attr("value") + "\n" +
" + $("#inscricao #endereco").attr("value") + "\n" +
" + $("#inscricao #telefones").attr("value") + "\n" + "Instituto e curso de origem: " + $("#inscricao #instituto").attr("value") + "\n" +
" + $("#inscricao #formacao").attr("value") + "\n" +
" + $("#inscricao #observacoes").attr("value") + "\n" +
" + $("#inscricao #oficinas").attr("value") + "\n" ); });

$("#inscricao :checkbox").click(function(){ var of = $(this).attr("id"); $("#inscricao #oficinas").attr("value", $("#inscricao #oficinas").attr("value") + of ); });

  $("#conteudo [href*='http://']").attr("target", "_blank"); $("#conteudo [href*='https://']").attr("target", "_blank"); $("[href*='.pdf']").attr("target", "_blank");
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