Inline search feature allows flexible formatting of search result
< <
The %SEARCH{...}% variable documented in TWikiVariables has a fixed format for the search result, that is, a table consisting of topic names and topic summaries. Use the format="..." parameter to specify a customized format of the search result. The string of the format parameter is typically a bullet list or table row containing variables (such as %SEARCH{ "food" format="| $topic | $summary |" }%).
> >
The default output format of a %SEARCH{...}% is a table consisting of topic names and topic summaries. Use the format="..." parameter to customize the search result. The format parameter typically defines a bullet or a table row containing variables, such as %SEARCH{ "food" format="| $topic | $summary |" }%.
Line: 35 to 35
LOCKED flag (if any)
Time stamp of last topic update, e.g. 29 Mar 2025 - 10:27
Time stamp of last topic update, e.g. 2025-03-29T10:27Z
< <
Number of last topic revision, e.g. 1.4
> >
Number of last topic revision, e.g. 4
Login name of last topic update, e.g. jsmith
Wiki user name of last topic update, e.g. JohnSmith
Wiki user name of last topic update, like Main.JohnSmith
< <
Time stamp of topic revision 1.1
Login name of topic revision 1.1, e.g. jsmith
Wiki user name of topic revision 1.1, e.g. JohnSmith
Wiki user name of topic revision 1.1, e.g. Main.JohnSmith
Topic summary
> >
Time stamp of topic revision 1
Login name of topic revision 1, e.g. jsmith
Wiki user name of topic revision 1, e.g. JohnSmith
Wiki user name of topic revision 1, e.g. Main.JohnSmith
Topic summary, just the plain text, all formatting and line breaks removed; up to 162 characters
Topic summary, up to 50 characters shown
Topic summary, with %ALLTWIKI{...}% variables shown as ALLTWIKI{...}
Topic summary, with leading ---+ headers removed Note: The tokens can be combined, for example $summary(100, showvarnames, noheader)
Summary of changes between latest rev and previous rev
Summary of changes between latest rev and rev n
The name of the form attached to the topic; empty if none
The field value of a form field; for example, $formfield(TopicClassification) would get expanded to PublicFAQ. This applies only to topics that have a TWikiForm
$formfield(name, 10)
Form field value, "- " hyphenated each 10 characters
$formfield(name, 20, -<br />)
Form field value, hyphenated each 20 characters with separator "-<br />"
$formfield(name, 30, ...)
Form field value, shortended to 30 characters with "..." indication
< <
A regular expression pattern to extract some text from a topic (does not search meta data; use $formfield instead). In case of a multiple="on" search, the pattern is applied to the line found in each search hit. � Specify a RegularExpression that covers the whole text (topic or line), which typically starts with .*, and must end in .* � Put text you want to keep in parenthesis, like $pattern(.*?(from here.*?to here).*) � Example: $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the email address from a bullet of format * Email: ... � This example has non-greedy .*? patterns to scan for the first occurance of the Email bullet; use greedy .* patterns to scan for the last occurance � Limitation: Do not use .*) inside the pattern, e.g. $pattern(.*foo(.*)bar.*) does not work, but $pattern(.*foo(.*?)bar.*) does � Note: Make sure that the integrity of a web page is not compromised; for example, if you include an HTML table make sure to include everything including the table end tag
$n or $n()
New line
> >
A regular expression pattern to extract some text from a topic (does not search meta data; use $formfield instead). In case of a multiple="on" search, the pattern is applied to the line found in each search hit. � Specify a RegularExpression that covers the whole text (topic or line), which typically starts with .*, and must end in .* � Put text you want to keep in parenthesis, like $pattern(.*?(from here.*?to here).*) � Example: $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the e-mail address from a bullet of format * Email: ... � This example has non-greedy .*? patterns to scan for the first occurance of the Email bullet; use greedy .* patterns to scan for the last occurance � Limitation: Do not use .*) inside the pattern, e.g. $pattern(.*foo(.*)bar.*) does not work, but $pattern(.*foo(.*?)bar.*) does � Note: Make sure that the integrity of a web page is not compromised; for example, if you include an HTML table make sure to include everything including the table end tag
Count of number of times a regular expression pattern appears in the text of a topic (does not search meta data). Follows guidelines for use and limitations outlined above under $pattern(reg-exp). Example: $count(.*?(---[+][+][+][+]) .*) counts the number of <H4> headers in a page.
$n or $n()
New line. Use $n() if followed by alphanumeric character, e.g. write Foo$n()Bar instead of Foo$nBar
$nop or $nop()
Is a "no operation". This variable gets removed; useful for nested search
Double quote ("). Alternatively write \" to escape it
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