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Searched: ConTatos

Results from CetadObserva web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Biblioteca Clínica Ações Comunitárias CETAD Observa
Number of topics: 1

Results from CiberParque web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

MoisesFilocre 03 Jun 2008
Number of topics: 1

Results from ColoquioCiags web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Contatos Correio eletrônico: Tel: (71) 3283.7360 (71) 3331.2949
Number of topics: 1

Results from Cppd web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Contatos Presidente: Profa. Dra. Amalvina Costa Barbosa Vice Presidente: Profa. Dra. Zenira Cardoso Vilasboas Viana Secretárias: Helenice Silva Sena / Elisabete Silva ...
Number of topics: 1

Results from Creche web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Number of topics: 1

Results from Ecologia web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Contatos Coordenador: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Mendes da Silva marenba #64; Vice coordenador: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Mariano Neto marianon #64; Endereço ...
Number of topics: 1

Results from Estruturas web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

CONTATOS COORDENAÇÃO : Prof. : Alberto Borges Vieira Jr. E mail : abvieira #64; Telefone : (71) 3283 9728 VICE COORDENAÇÃO ...
Number of topics: 1

Results from FACED web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Seu Nome: Endereço Eletrônico: Assunto: Comentário:
Number of topics: 1

Results from PPGAC web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Contatos Escola de Teatro da UFBA Diretora:Eliene Benício Amâncio Costa E mail: teatro #64; End: Rua Araújo Pinho, 292 Canela CEP: 40110 150 Salvador ...
Number of topics: 1

Results from PPGE web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Contatos LeandroSantos 13 Nov 2005
Number of topics: 1

Results from PpggBio web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Contatos Coordenadora : Profa. Moema Cortizo Bellintani E mail : Vice Coordenadora : Alessandra S. Schnadelbach E mail : alessandra.schnadelbach ...
Number of topics: 1

Results from Proad web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Number of topics: 1

Results from SemBio web retrieved at 20:55 (Local)

Contatos viisembio #64; De segunda a sexta das 13:00 as 17:00h Telefone: (71) 3283 6511
Number of topics: 1

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Endereço: Rua Barão de Geremoabo, 147 - Campus de Ondina
CEP: 40170-290 Salvador - Bahia
Telefones: (71) 3283-6590/6512 Fax:(71) 3283-6511 E-mail:

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