Im buying lotto tickets ...383,000,000 i'll take that in my voice! ": follow for me please." no dudo, es la misma base del ano pasado con mondaini y figueroa (lesionado) Black Cobain Peso (Freestyle) [Music Video]: drops the official music video for his Peso fre... In case you missed it LAL 116 MEM 111 OH YES LetMeHoldYourPhone? LikeHoldItInMYHand? WhyDidYourExGFAddYouOnFacebook? Whatever you think would be fair! Ha! again I say, holy . Who woke up with a soreback this morning? Dr. Tom Rizzo on Medical Edge Weekend. Sat., March 3 9-10a CT. mayoradio aww well I love you guys too. A girl can definitely miss her husband, just like a husband can miss his wife. <3 Finished his Mixtape cover.... He codido la tarjeta del movil ;( Rather drop you BYE i feel nothing. have you contacted the store in reference to this? Feel free to DM me the product info for the door, i'll look into this. ^Erfon

You're a moth with no sense of self-preservation either?! cantantesquetienenunpolvazo Jared leto FF Any kind of coffee from Starbucks. iPhone 4 myweakness Obviously , Obama has swag. We nah bloodclaat get nuh TL pan fb.. Yes raga! Da pra virar, o time deles só bate, vai ter 1 ou 2 expulsos. Eu tiraria Fabricio e lançaria Jadson, recuando Cicero pra 2 volante. Na why?? I have not!! Ill check it out right now!! I feel like walking out this door right now. tempted RT se você gosta do meu fc - // seja sincero auheuae The Spicy Theme update was approved. We're preparing the next update with a few new features.

Pas toujours simple de saluer ! Never let your failures get to your heart ; and never let your success get to your head. I'm actually just snarky, i don't really have a core of belief 30 MINS till lvtwivia! 1st to message lvtwivia, & answer wins 2 tix to (3/31). Rules: Kadang-kadang message ni random je . Tapi ada la juga segelintir manusia ni yang amik serious padahal takda kena mengena pun . SEDIH . Back-to-back Van Gogh messages in my timelineseems pretty high-brow, except they also involve Creed and dicks. BelieberAndDirectionerPeace? Ler históricos de conversas, por que tão torturante? I'm jel, New York. WOOOOOOO! Niners screwed themselves royally. Doing the Balky Bartokamous dance of joy! queria ver o hoje no esquenta! Um festival sem feri há não e um festival descente. Mas não posso fazer nada neah =\ oooooi (: que lindoss os nossos meninos estao , , , ..que orgulho!! ja to seguindo segue ai sei una patata bbbellissima ()*: Photo: finally worked hard huh?

Putas, Putas everywhere! Surprised but happy by conviction. equality Jurors Say Digital Evidence Convinced Them of Dharun Ravis Guilt... you ain't send the picture like I asked Boston from south boston celebra la vaga general etfelicitofill YOU REALLY WANT IT?!! XD SORRY BABE, I GOT BUSY.. BUT I WILL ONLINE ON WEEKENDS Just sent nessa a funny joke . hope she laughs so hard she dies xoxoxo Madonna para Britney: "Por favor, venha ao meu palco e me beije de novo. Tô com saudade!!", twittou a Rainha do Pop. Sano, salvo y ebrio. I love you ! "we were born to die!" don't like Justin Biebers new song stupid under 1/2 of Michigan voters say they back their candidate strongly, big decrease from Iowa, accd to Meryl Streep fez a Thatcher mais pra não desperdiçar o laboratório de voz horrível de Julia Child hahaha terry was finna give the old man and CG a 3 piece! No biscuit According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Mens Sana Siena is close to signing Bruno Cerella for the next season Sialan seri frown vaya tela de lo q habláis en social media yo no sé ni quien hay dentro de la casa este año!!

Si es que ellas ya saben que son chonis. VA PROUD TO BE CHONI WEEEEEEEEEE. agreeee ehhe, but some people wants him to do dance song, but who knows :3 we'll see after their concert in HK :> RT FOR A SHOUTOUT (MUST FOLLOW AND I FOLLOW BACK) L'Wren is an imposing figure at 6'3" but charming and self-deprecating in person. Lots of laughs. Born in Utah now lives globally. oh ok.. Back to hiding huh U.S. AFFers, please sign this petition against the SOPA bill which threatens Asianfanfics if passed: ngisi biodata pak, jenis kelaminya di tulis ya pak? | "ya di tulis dong" | kalo di gambar boleh gak pak? | "...." salahgaul Photo shoot for 805 Magazine with postponed until next week-- Interview already completed-shoot will be a blast!

Photo: Typing ''LOL'' When your Face has less expression than a brick I'm at ConsultÃ? ³rio (São Bernardo do Campo, SP Trading Places by Usher..I cruise to dat Deus te ama!!! Erga-se de sua dor e entregue seus problemas nas mãos de Deus... Por favor avisale a la gente. If u r goin 2 see Hunger Games watch out for us during the previews & peep our cutout in the lobbies of select theaters GALERINHA, SEIS PODEM DAR UMA OLHADA E DAR RT NESSE message PRA DIVULGAR ? É UM SONHO GALERA! OBRIGADA - 6 in our dreams! But forsure in the future smile Take a side in life and stick to it ... U r what u believe in ..... This couple next to me is talking about Justin and his PUNK'D episode. This conversation is hysterical. I'm such a creeper. Beliebers Are Very from the point of view of a pig. Stop hiding behind your spoken words,and come out of your silent cries.

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