---+ TWiki Administrator Group * Member list: * Set GROUP = ATWikiUser * Persons/group who can change the list: * #Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = TWikiAdminGroup __Related topics:__ %WIKIUSERSTOPIC%, TWikiGroups, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl __%X% NOTE:__ If you happen to lock yourself out of <nop>TWikiAdminGroup during setup activities, you can edit this group topic at file system level using any text file editor (as a last resort.) <table bgcolor="yellow"><tr><td> __Setup Note to Administrator:__ a. Verify that user authentication is working a. Edit this group topic (click Edit) a. Insert wanted %MAINWEB%.TWikiUsers in the TWiki Administrator Group by listing them in the GROUP setting %BR% (please remove the demonstration user 'ATWikiUser' as well) a. Save this topic a. Verify that new members show up properly in the group listing at %MAINWEB%.TWikiGroups a. Write protect this topic by removing the # sign from the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting a. Save this topic again - <nop>TWikiAdminGroup is now locked to allow editing only by listed users in GROUP a. Suggestion: Add the ALLOWTOPICHANGE setting to [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences]] and [[%MAINWEB%.TWikiPreferences]] and set it to this group (<nop>TWikiAdminGroup), restricting edit of site-wide preferences to the TWiki Administrator Group a. Remove this setup note after you have finished setup </td></tr></table>
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r10 - 27 Mar 2005 - 10:45:41 -
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