---+ TWiki Administrator Group * Member list (comma-separated list): * Set GROUP = JeronimoBezerra, ElisangelaSilva, DeniseBandeira, CarlosBarreiro, NadilsonSantana, ItaloValcy * Persons/group who can change the list: * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = TWikiAdminGroup %INCLUDE{"%MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminUser" section="sudo_login"}% %IF{"(NOT defined GROUP) OR $GROUP = ''" then="" else="<!--"}% sticky0ï¿Å\x{fffd} __How to add the first administrator__ %BR% If you haven't previously set up an administrator, follow these steps: 1 Authenticate as the internal TWiki administrator: * %ADMINLOGIN% 1 Edit this topic 1 Insert the wikinames of admin users in the TWiki Administrator Group by listing them in the GROUP setting %BR% (example =* Set GROUP = <nop>JohnSmith, <nop>JamesBond=) 1 Save this topic 1 [[%LOGOUTURL%][Logout]] from the Internal TWikiAdminUser 1 Verify that new members show up properly in the group listing at %MAINWEB%.TWikiGroups 1 Make sure always to keep this topic write protected by keeping the already defined ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting 1 The ALLOWTOPICHANGE and ALLOWTOPICRENAME settings in [[%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences]] and [[%MAINWEB%.TWikiPreferences]] have already been set to this group (<nop>TWikiAdminGroup), restricting edit of site-wide preferences to the TWiki Administrator Group sticky1ï¿Å\x{fffd} %IF{"(NOT defined GROUP) OR $GROUP = ''" then="" else="-->"}% __Related topics:__ %WIKIUSERSTOPIC%, TWikiAdminUser, TWikiGroups, %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiAccessControl
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r26 - 14 Apr 2011 - 17:19:55 -
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