Statistics for PPGE Web

Month: Topic
Sorted ascending
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Mar 2025 35 0 0   3 SistemaDeNoticias
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebTopicList
  2 ImagensDoLeiaute
  2 ProjetoGrafico
  2 UltimasNoticiasCSS
  2 BotoesTwikiCSS
  1 Regimento
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 WebHome
  1 Forum
Feb 2025 102 0 0   7 WebChanges
  7 WebCSS
  6 WebHome
  6 Noticia20051114154201
  5 SistemaDeNoticias
  5 Noticia20051114161254
  4 Noticia20051114154446
  4 ImagensDoLeiaute
  4 WebCSSConteudo
  4 FormComentaForum
  3 Regimento
Jan 2025 3 0 0   2 Forum
  1 TabelaCSS
Dec 2024 7 0 0   2 WebHome
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Forum
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 ProjetoGrafico
  1 ImagensDoLeiaute
Nov 2024 12 0 0   2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 CorpoDocente
  1 Regimento
  1 SkinCSS
  1 MenuCSS
  1 ForumWebEducacao
  1 CabecalhoCSS
  1 NoticiaTemplate
  1 BotoesPowerCSS
  1 WebCSS
Oct 2024 3 0 0   1 SkinCSS
  1 WebPreferences
  1 TemplateTeste
Sep 2024 6 0 0   2 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 ProjetoGrafico
  1 Historico
Aug 2024 7 0 0   2 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Noticia20051115141956
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 WebTopicList
  1 ForumWebEducacao
  1 WebChanges
Jul 2024 15 0 0   4 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 Historico
  1 ImagensDoLeiaute
  1 TemplateTeste
  1 Noticia20051114161254
  1 WebStatistics
  1 FormComentaForum
  1 MenuCSS
  1 ProjetoGrafico
Jun 2024 80 0 0  14 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 ProjetoGrafico
  4 UltimasNoticias
  3 ForumWebEducacao
  3 ImagensDoLeiaute
  3 FreeSkinPosTopic
  3 WebCSS
  3 Historico
  2 WebHome
  2 SistemaDeNoticias
  2 WebCSSTabelas
May 2024 51 0 0   5 NoticiaTemplate
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 SistemaDeNoticias
  4 MercadoLivre
  4 Noticia20051207021118
  4 Noticia20051117024206
  3 ImagensDoLeiaute
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WebCSS
  2 NoticiaForm
  2 WebChanges
Apr 2024 12 0 0   5 WebCSSConteudo
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 Forum
  1 WebStatistics
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 TabelaCSS
May 2021 76 0 0   6 WebHome
  5 WebPreferences
  4 FreeSkinPosTopic
  3 Noticia20051114154446
  3 Regimento
  3 SistemaDeNoticias
  3 MenuCSS
  3 WebChanges
  3 WebCSS
  3 NoticiaTemplate
  2 MercadoLivre
Apr 2021 72 0 0   6 WebPreferences
  4 WebHome
  4 WebCSSTabelas
  4 ImagensDoLeiaute
  4 WebChanges
  3 MercadoLivre
  3 NoticiaForm
  3 FreeSkinPreTopic
  3 Noticia20051114161254
  2 Noticia20051114154446
  2 SistemaDeNoticias
Mar 2021 6 0 0   3 WebChanges
  1 UltimasNoticiasCSS
  1 WebHome
  1 RodapeCSS
Feb 2021 24 0 0   5 NoticiaForm
  4 WebChanges
  2 Forum
  2 CorpoDocente
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 Historico
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 WebStatistics
Jan 2021 8 0 0   1 ImagensDoLeiaute
  1 TemplateTeste
  1 WebCSSConteudo
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 ForumWebEducacao
  1 FreeSkinPosTopic
  1 WebCSS
  1 WebChanges
Dec 2020 1 0 0   1 WebPreferences  
Nov 2020 7 0 0   1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 WebHome
  1 Historico
  1 ImagensDoLeiaute
  1 WebCSSConteudo
  1 WebChanges
  1 RodapeCSS
Oct 2020 49 0 0  14 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebCSS
  3 NoticiaForm
  3 BotoesTwikiCSS
  2 ProjetoGrafico
  2 Historico
  2 SkinCSS
  2 TemplateTeste
  2 WebStatistics
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 ConteudoCSS
Sep 2020 51 0 0   4 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 MenuPPGE
  2 WebCSSTabelas
  2 NoticiaForm
  2 Noticia20051117024206
  2 TemplateTeste
  2 Contatos
  2 WebCSS
  2 NoticiaTemplate
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 Regimento
Aug 2020 83 0 0  12 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebChanges
  4 UltimasNoticias
  3 WebTopicList
  3 CorpoDocente
  3 ProjetoGrafico
  3 Noticia20051114154201
  3 TodasAsNoticias
  3 SkinCSS
  3 TabelaCSS
Jul 2020 40 0 0   6 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebHome
  2 Forum
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebChanges
  2 TodasAsNoticias
  2 LayoutTemplate
  2 CabecalhoCSS
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 Regimento
  1 ConteudoCSS
Jun 2020 82 0 0  12 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 MercadoLivre
  4 Contatos
  4 NoticiaTemplate
  3 ConteudoCSS
  3 WebCSS
  3 Noticia20051115141956
  2 MenuPPGE
  2 WebTopicList
  2 SistemaDeNoticias
  2 WebIndex
May 2020 65 0 0  13 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 LayoutTemplate
  4 WebCSSConteudo
  3 SistemaDeNoticias
  3 NoticiaTemplate
  2 Regimento
  2 WebCSSTabelas
  2 NoticiaForm
  2 WebNotify
  2 FreeSkinPreTopic
  2 Noticia20051114161254
Apr 2020 35 0 0   3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 FormComentaForum
  2 WebCSSTabelas
  2 MenuCSS
  2 ProjetoGrafico
  2 Noticia20051207021118
  2 SkinCSS
  2 WebStatistics
  1 Regimento
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 WebTopicList
Mar 2020 16 0 0   2 RodapeCSS
  2 Noticia20051114161254
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 UltimasNoticias
  1 LayoutTemplate
  1 ImagensDoLeiaute
  1 TemplateTeste
  1 Noticia20051115141956
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 WebStatistics
Feb 2020 22 0 0   5 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 LayoutTemplate
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 Historico
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 WebCSSConteudo
  1 Noticia20051115141956
  1 WebSearch
Jan 2020 57 0 0   5 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 TodasAsNoticias
  4 Historico
  3 SistemaDeNoticias
  3 WebSearch
  3 Forum
  2 Regimento
  2 WebHome
  2 Noticia20051114154201
  2 WebStatistics
  2 ImagensDoLeiaute
Dec 2019 48 0 0   5 WebHome
  3 WebTopicList
  3 Noticia20051117024206
  3 BotoesTwikiCSS
  2 NoticiaForm
  2 MenuCSS
  2 BotoesPowerCSS
  2 UltimasNoticiasCSS
  2 Historico
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 Regimento
Nov 2019 28 0 0   2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebHome
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebPreferences
  2 TodasAsNoticias
  2 WebStatistics
  1 Regimento
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 Forum
Oct 2019 79 0 0   5 WebTopicList
  4 TodasAsNoticias
  3 Noticia20051114154446
  3 WebIndex
  3 SkinCSS
  3 Noticia20051114161254
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 RodapeCSS
  3 WebCSSConteudo
  2 MenuPPGE
  2 SistemaDeNoticias
Jun 2019 20 0 0   3 WebPreferences
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 CorpoDocente
  1 RodapeCSS
  1 WebNotify
  1 Contatos
  1 ForumWebEducacao
  1 WebChanges
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 Noticia20051114154201
May 2019 8 0 0   1 MenuPPGE
  1 Regimento
  1 Contatos
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebHome
  1 TabelaCSS
  1 WebPreferences
Apr 2019 15 0 0   1 MenuPPGE
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 UltimasNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 LayoutTemplate
  1 Historico
  1 FreeSkinPreTopic
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 BotoesTwikiCSS
Mar 2019 10 0 0   2 WebTopicList
  2 WebHome
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 Regimento
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 TemplateTeste
  1 RodapeCSS
Feb 2019 0 0 0    
Jan 2019 34 0 0   3 WebHome
  2 CorpoDocente
  2 Contatos
  2 FreeSkinPosTopic
  2 BotoesPowerCSS
  2 Noticia20051114161254
  2 NoticiaTemplate
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 ImagensDoLeiaute
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 RodapeCSS
Dec 2018 9 0 0   3 WebHome
  2 Forum
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 WebChanges
Nov 2018 25 0 0   3 WebChanges
  2 Regimento
  2 Noticia20051207021118
  2 SistemaDeNoticias
  2 TodasAsNoticias
  2 Forum
  2 Historico
  2 Noticia20051117024206
  2 WebSearch
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebHome
Oct 2018 23 0 0   4 WebChanges
  2 Regimento
  2 SistemaDeNoticias
  2 Forum
  2 WebSearch
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebNotify
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 Historico
Sep 2018 44 0 0   5 WebChanges
  4 WebHome
  4 SistemaDeNoticias
  3 TodasAsNoticias
  3 UltimasNoticias
  2 Forum
  2 ImagensDoLeiaute
  2 MercadoLivre
  2 Noticia20051207021118
  2 Noticia20051117024206
  2 CabecalhoCSS
Aug 2018 27 0 0  10 UltimasNoticias
  5 SistemaDeNoticias
  3 NoticiaForm
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebHome
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 WebChanges
  1 WebLeftBar
Jul 2018 32 0 0   4 Forum
  4 WebPreferences
  2 Regimento
  2 WebSearch
  2 WebChanges
  2 Noticia20051207021118
  2 Historico
  2 Noticia20051117024206
  1 WebTopicList
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 WebHome
Jun 2018 3 0 0   1 Forum
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebPreferences
May 2018 8 0 0   2 WebHome
  2 WebChanges
  1 Regimento
  1 WebNotify
  1 TabelaCSS
  1 WebPreferences
Apr 2018 11 0 0   7 WebHome
  2 WebChanges
  1 WebNotify
  1 SkinCSS
Mar 2018 2 0 0   1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebHome
Feb 2018 42 0 0  10 WebHome
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 MenuCSS
  1 WebPreferences
  1 BotoesPowerCSS
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 Noticia20051114154201
Jan 2018 19 0 0   3 WebHome
  2 Regimento
  2 WebCSS
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 UltimasNoticias
  1 Historico
  1 WebIndex
  1 Noticia20051117024206
Dec 2017 5 0 0   2 WebHome
  1 SkinCSS
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebCSSConteudo
Nov 2017 18 0 0   4 WebHome
  2 Noticia20051207021118
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebChanges
  1 Regimento
  1 UltimasNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 Noticia20051114154201
  1 WebNotify
  1 NoticiaTemplate
  1 FreeSkinPosTopic
Oct 2017 0 0 0    
Sep 2017 20 0 0   2 Regimento
  2 SistemaDeNoticias
  2 TodasAsNoticias
  2 WebStatistics
  2 CabecalhoCSS
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 Forum
  1 Historico
  1 LayoutTemplate
  1 Noticia20051117024206
  1 CorpoDocente
Aug 2017 49 0 0   4 SistemaDeNoticias
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebChanges
  3 Ceb.WebHome
  3 Forum
  3 WebSearch
  3 NoticiaForm
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebPreferences
  2 TodasAsNoticias
  2 UltimasNoticias
Jul 2017 21 0 0   4 Ceb.WebHome
  4 Historico
  3 Regimento
  2 WebChanges
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 WebIndex
  1 Noticia20051117024206
  1 WebSearch
Jun 2017 3 0 0   1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 TabelaCSS
  1 Noticia20051117024206
May 2017 5 0 0   1 Contatos
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebChanges
Apr 2017 20 0 0   2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 Forum
  2 WebCSS
  2 SkinCSS
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 Regimento
  1 WebTopicList
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 Contatos
  1 ForumWebEducacao
  1 WebChanges
Mar 2017 13 0 0   2 WebStatistics
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 Historico
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 Noticia20051117024206
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebChanges
Feb 2017 18 0 0   4 Ceb.WebHome
  3 Forum
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 Historico
  1 SkinCSS
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 RodapeCSS
  1 TabelaCSS
Jan 2017 21 0 0   3 Ceb.WebHome
  2 BotoesPowerCSS
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 WebSearch
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 ProjetoGrafico
  1 FreeSkinPosTopic
  1 Noticia20051114154201
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 LayoutTemplate
Dec 2016 61 0 0   5 SistemaDeNoticias
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 Noticia20051114154446
  2 WebTopicList
  2 WebIndex
  2 ForumWebEducacao
  2 WebPreferences
  2 TodasAsNoticias
  2 Noticia20051114154201
  2 CabecalhoCSS
  2 ConteudoCSS
Nov 2016 6 0 0   1 MenuPPGE
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 Forum
  1 SkinCSS
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebCSS
Oct 2016 7 0 0   1 WebTopicList
  1 MenuCSS
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 Forum
  1 LayoutTemplate
  1 WebCSSConteudo
  1 WebCSSTabelas
Sep 2016 7 0 0   1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 Forum
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebCSS
  1 WebChanges
Aug 2016 10 0 0   2 Ceb.WebHome
  2 WebCSSTabelas
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 Forum
  1 Noticia20051114154201
  1 TemplateTeste
  1 ProjetoGrafico
  1 WebLeftBar
Jul 2016 5 0 0   3 Ceb.WebHome
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 Forum
Jun 2016 26 0 0   4 Forum
  2 ConteudoCSS
  2 WebChanges
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 MercadoLivre
  1 Contatos
  1 WebSearch
  1 NoticiaForm
May 2016 22 0 0   5 Forum
  4 Ceb.WebHome
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebChanges
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 FreeSkinPreTopic
  1 RodapeCSS
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebNotify
  1 MenuCSS
Apr 2016 0 0 0    
Mar 2016 38 0 0   5 Ceb.WebHome
  4 Forum
  3 WebChanges
  3 Noticia20051114154201
  2 Regimento
  2 WebIndex
  2 Contatos
  2 Historico
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 WebSearch
Feb 2016 34 0 0   6 Ceb.WebHome
  3 SistemaDeNoticias
  3 Forum
  2 Noticia20051207021118
  1 Regimento
  1 CorpoDocente
  1 Contatos
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 WebSearch
  1 MenuCSS
  1 ForumWebEducacao
Jan 2016 2 0 0   1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 ForumWebEducacao
Dec 2015 22 0 0   3 Ceb.WebHome
  2 Regimento
  2 Forum
  2 CorpoDocente
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebIndex
  1 ImagensDoLeiaute
  1 WebNotify
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 WebSearch
Nov 2015 13 0 0   2 Ceb.WebHome
  2 Forum
  2 MenuCSS
  2 ProjetoGrafico
  1 ConteudoCSS
  1 Noticia20051114154201
  1 SkinCSS
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebChanges
Oct 2015 4 0 0   1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 MenuCSS
  1 BotoesTwikiCSS
  1 CorpoDocente
Sep 2015 85 0 0   7 WebPreferences
  4 SistemaDeNoticias
  4 TodasAsNoticias
  4 SkinCSS
  4 Noticia20051117024206
  3 Forum
  3 WebCSS
  3 WebChanges
  3 FormComentaForum
  2 WebTopicList
  2 Ceb.WebHome
Aug 2015 31 0 0   5 WebSearch
  4 Forum
  3 WebPreferences
  2 Ceb.WebHome
  2 SkinCSS
  1 Regimento
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 MenuCSS
  1 ProjetoGrafico
Jul 2015 10 0 0   2 Ceb.WebHome
  2 WebPreferences
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 Regimento
  1 Forum
  1 SkinCSS
  1 WebChanges
  1 WebCSS
Jun 2015 18 0 0   2 Forum
  2 WebCSSTabelas
  2 Contatos
  2 ForumWebEducacao
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebIndex
  1 CorpoDocente
  1 TemplateTeste
  1 FreeSkinPreTopic
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 MenuCSS
May 2015 34 0 0   3 Ceb.WebHome
  3 Noticia20051114161254
  2 ProjetoGrafico
  2 BotoesPowerCSS
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebCSS
  2 TabelaCSS
  2 NoticiaTemplate
  1 Regimento
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 MenuPPGE
Apr 2015 23 0 0   6 SistemaDeNoticias
  3 BotoesTwikiCSS
  2 Ceb.WebHome
  1 Noticia20051207021118
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 WebTopicList
  1 Noticia20051114154201
  1 Forum
  1 UltimasNoticias
  1 TodasAsNoticias
  1 CorpoDocente
Mar 2015 21 0 0   3 WebCSSConteudo
  2 Forum
  2 WebNotify
  1 Noticia20051114154446
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 CorpoDocente
  1 WebCSSTabelas
  1 NoticiaForm
  1 ForumWebEducacao
Feb 2015 1922 0 0 142 Ceb.WebHome
 99 SistemaDeNoticias
 94 ImagensDoLeiaute
 85 WebPreferences
 82 WebCSSConteudo
 78 WebCSS
 67 MercadoLivre
 66 WebChanges
 60 Forum
 55 Regimento
 48 Historico
Jan 2015 181 0 0   9 NoticiaForm
  9 WebPreferences
  9 Noticia20051207021118
  8 Ceb.WebHome
  8 Forum
  7 ForumWebEducacao
  6 Noticia20051117024206
  5 Regimento
  5 SistemaDeNoticias
  5 SkinCSS
  5 FreeSkinPreTopic
Dec 2014 1580 0 0 235 Ceb.WebHome
105 Forum
 82 SistemaDeNoticias
 80 WebChanges
 71 TodasAsNoticias
 59 Regimento
 58 WebSearch
 50 Historico
 49 Noticia20051117024206
 47 WebPreferences
 45 UltimasNoticias
Nov 2014 1782 0 0 213 Ceb.WebHome
 80 Forum
 73 WebSearch
 73 TodasAsNoticias
 71 WebChanges
 71 Noticia20051207021118
 69 Historico
 58 Noticia20051117024206
 57 SistemaDeNoticias
 56 WebPreferences
 53 Regimento
Oct 2014 675 0 0  88 Ceb.WebHome
 66 Forum
 29 WebChanges
 23 SistemaDeNoticias
 23 TodasAsNoticias
 22 UltimasNoticias
 21 WebSearch
 19 Noticia20051117024206
 17 Historico
 16 Noticia20051207021118
 15 Regimento
Sep 2014 1022 0 0 109 Ceb.WebHome
 79 Forum
 45 WebSearch
 42 SistemaDeNoticias
 42 WebChanges
 32 Historico
 28 Regimento
 28 TodasAsNoticias
 24 Contatos
 23 ForumWebEducacao
 23 WebCSS
Aug 2014 1650 0 0  93 Ceb.WebHome
 64 Forum
 44 WebSearchAdvanced
 43 WebSearch
 43 WebChanges
 43 UltimasNoticias
 40 ForumWebEducacao
 40 ImagensDoLeiaute
 40 BotoesTwikiCSS
 39 FreeSkinPosTopic
 38 Regimento
Jul 2014 1813 0 0 147 Ceb.WebHome
104 Forum
 48 Noticia20051117024206
 48 FreeSkinPosTopic
 47 Regimento
 47 WebChanges
 46 Historico
 43 MenuCSS
 42 WebSearch
 41 SistemaDeNoticias
 41 ForumWebEducacao
Jun 2014 1017 0 0 114 Ceb.WebHome
 80 Forum
 43 WebChanges
 38 WebSearch
 37 WebPreferences
 36 ForumWebEducacao
 35 Regimento
 33 Historico
 32 SistemaDeNoticias
 32 CorpoDocente
 26 UltimasNoticias
May 2014 1143 0 0 154 Ceb.WebHome
 87 Forum
 54 SistemaDeNoticias
 53 TodasAsNoticias
 51 Regimento
 50 WebChanges
 46 Historico
 42 WebSearch
 41 Noticia20051117024206
 40 Noticia20051207021118
 35 UltimasNoticias
Apr 2014 715 0 0  95 Ceb.WebHome
 53 Forum
 46 WebChanges
 37 SistemaDeNoticias
 35 MercadoLivre
 31 WebPreferences
 28 TodasAsNoticias
 25 WebCSSConteudo
 22 WebCSS
 21 UltimasNoticias
 20 NoticiaForm
Mar 2014 831 0 0 103 Ceb.WebHome
 54 Forum
 30 TodasAsNoticias
 29 WebChanges
 27 UltimasNoticias
 26 SistemaDeNoticias
 24 Noticia20051207021118
 22 WebSearch
 22 RodapeCSS
 22 BotoesTwikiCSS
 19 NoticiaForm
Feb 2014 676 0 0 110 Ceb.WebHome
 44 Forum
 29 SistemaDeNoticias
 27 Regimento
 26 WebStatistics
 25 WebChanges
 23 ForumWebEducacao
 20 Noticia20051117024206
 19 NoticiaForm
 19 Noticia20051207021118
 19 Historico
Jan 2014 646 0 0 196 Ceb.WebHome
 52 Forum
 33 WebChanges
 29 Regimento
 23 WebSearch
 23 Noticia20051207021118
 22 SistemaDeNoticias
 20 Historico
 19 Noticia20051117024206
 17 UltimasNoticias
 14 ForumWebEducacao
Dec 2013 674 0 0 188 Ceb.WebHome
 60 Forum
 44 WebChanges
 31 SistemaDeNoticias
 30 Regimento
 25 WebSearch
 22 Historico
 20 TodasAsNoticias
 16 WebStatistics
 15 ForumWebEducacao
 15 Noticia20051207021118
Nov 2013 564 0 0 138 Ceb.WebHome
 42 Forum
 31 WebChanges
 29 Historico
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 16 Regimento
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 15 TodasAsNoticias
 14 SistemaDeNoticias
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Oct 2013 678 0 0 187 Ceb.WebHome
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 22 Regimento
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Sep 2013 85 0 0  25 Ceb.WebHome
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  4 Forum
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  3 Regimento
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  2 MercadoLivre
Aug 2013 1036 0 0 157 Ceb.WebHome
 76 SistemaDeNoticias
 47 Forum
 44 WebPreferences
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 39 Historico
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 35 TodasAsNoticias
 32 NoticiaForm
 31 Noticia20051117024206
Jul 2013 1173 0 0 271 Ceb.WebHome
 71 Forum
 55 Historico
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 44 SistemaDeNoticias
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 39 WebSearch
 37 Noticia20051207021118
 34 UltimasNoticias
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Jun 2013 243 0 0  61 Ceb.WebHome
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 13 WebChanges
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  9 WebSearch
  8 ImagensDoLeiaute
  7 SistemaDeNoticias
  7 WebIndex
  7 WebStatistics
  7 Forum
  6 Regimento
May 2013 387 0 0 103 Ceb.WebHome
 19 Forum
 19 WebChanges
 17 SistemaDeNoticias
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 16 WebStatistics
 14 TodasAsNoticias
 13 Regimento
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 11 ImagensDoLeiaute
Apr 2013 418 0 0 111 Ceb.WebHome
 21 WebChanges
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 18 Regimento
 18 Forum
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 14 SistemaDeNoticias
 14 CorpoDocente
 14 WebPreferences
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 10 TodasAsNoticias
Mar 2013 813 0 0 230 Ceb.WebHome
 69 SistemaDeNoticias
 48 Forum
 37 WebSearch
 31 UltimasNoticias
 30 WebChanges
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 23 Historico
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 18 Noticia20051117024206
Feb 2013 569 0 0 157 Ceb.WebHome
 68 SistemaDeNoticias
 57 UltimasNoticias
 32 Forum
 20 WebChanges
 19 WebStatistics
 16 Regimento
 15 WebSearch
 13 ImagensDoLeiaute
 12 TodasAsNoticias
 11 Noticia20051117024206
Jan 2013 522 0 0 143 Ceb.WebHome
 49 Forum
 33 SistemaDeNoticias
 25 TodasAsNoticias
 16 WebChanges
 15 UltimasNoticias
 14 Noticia20051117024206
 14 ImagensDoLeiaute
 14 Historico
 13 Regimento
 13 WebSearch
Dec 2012 180 0 0  64 Ceb.WebHome
 25 Forum
 12 SkinCSS
  8 UltimasNoticias
  6 SistemaDeNoticias
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebChanges
  6 TodasAsNoticias
  4 NoticiaForm
  4 Noticia20051207021118
  4 Noticia20051117024206
Nov 2012 281 0 0  78 Ceb.WebHome
 40 Forum
 16 BotoesPowerCSS
 14 SistemaDeNoticias
 12 Noticia20051207021118
 10 Regimento
  9 TodasAsNoticias
  9 Noticia20051117024206
  8 WebChanges
  8 Historico
  7 WebSearch
Oct 2012 532 0 0 142 Ceb.WebHome
 67 Forum
 31 SistemaDeNoticias
 24 Regimento
 23 WebChanges
 20 TodasAsNoticias
 20 Noticia20051207021118
 18 WebSearch
 18 Noticia20051117024206
 14 WebPreferences
 14 Historico
Sep 2012 364 0 0  89 Ceb.WebHome
 26 WebChanges
 20 SistemaDeNoticias
 15 Forum
 14 Noticia20051117024206
 13 Regimento
 13 ImagensDoLeiaute
 12 TodasAsNoticias
 11 WebSearch
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 10 Historico
Aug 2012 321 0 0  53 Ceb.WebHome
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 25 WebPreferences
 23 ImagensDoLeiaute
 15 SistemaDeNoticias
 15 WebCSSConteudo
 14 TodasAsNoticias
 12 WebChanges
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 10 MercadoLivre
  9 Regimento
Jul 2012 16 0 0   4 ImagensDoLeiaute
  3 NoticiaForm
  2 WebCSSConteudo
  2 WebChanges
  1 MenuPPGE
  1 Ceb.WebHome
  1 SistemaDeNoticias
  1 WebSearch
  1 FreeSkinPosTopic
Jun 2012 165 0 0  38 Ceb.WebHome
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 10 WebCSSConteudo
  6 SistemaDeNoticias
  6 ImagensDoLeiaute
  5 Regimento
  5 NoticiaForm
  4 WebSearch
  4 Forum
May 2012 299 0 0 113 Ceb.WebHome
 16 WebChanges
 15 ImagensDoLeiaute
  9 SistemaDeNoticias
  7 WebIndex
  7 BotoesPowerCSS
  7 TodasAsNoticias
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Apr 2012 473 0 0  88 Ceb.WebHome
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 19 ImagensDoLeiaute
 19 WebChanges
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 12 WebCSS
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 11 Noticia20051207021118
 11 UltimasNoticias
Mar 2012 438 0 0  81 Ceb.WebHome
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 18 ImagensDoLeiaute
 16 WebCSS
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 15 WebCSSConteudo
 13 UltimasNoticias
 12 Regimento
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 12 Noticia20051207021118
Feb 2012 703 0 0 163 Ceb.WebHome
 50 SistemaDeNoticias
 38 WebChanges
 35 WebSearch
 27 WebPreferences
 24 WebCSS
 21 Forum
 20 Historico
 19 WebStatistics
 19 ImagensDoLeiaute
 16 WebIndex
Jan 2012 437 0 0  85 Ceb.WebHome
 26 FreeSkinPosTopic
 24 WebChanges
 22 WebPreferences
 15 Forum
 13 ImagensDoLeiaute
 13 Noticia20051207021118
 12 SistemaDeNoticias
 10 WebIndex
 10 FreeSkinPreTopic
  9 MenuPPGE
Dec 2011 835 0 0 206 Ceb.WebHome
 62 Forum
 48 WebChanges
 32 TodasAsNoticias
 31 LayoutTemplate
 30 WebPreferences
 25 MenuCSS
 24 Regimento
 24 WebStatistics
 23 WebIndex
 23 WebSearch
Nov 2011 1187 0 0 173 Ceb.WebHome
 99 Forum
 55 WebChanges
 47 SistemaDeNoticias
 44 WebSearch
 41 FreeSkinPosTopic
 38 TodasAsNoticias
 36 WebStatistics
 34 WebPreferences
 27 WebIndex
 27 Noticia20051117024206
Oct 2011 804 0 0 117 Ceb.WebHome
 33 WebChanges
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 30 SistemaDeNoticias
 27 MenuPPGE
 25 TemplateTeste
 25 Noticia20051207021118
 24 WebStatistics
 20 WebCSS
 19 MenuCSS
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Sep 2011 128 0 0  32 Ceb.WebHome
 12 Regimento
  6 Forum
  6 WebChanges
  4 WebCSSTabelas
  4 NoticiaTemplate
  3 WebSearch
  3 ForumWebEducacao
  3 BotoesPowerCSS
  3 LayoutTemplate
  3 SkinCSS
Aug 2011 793 0 0 312 Ceb.WebHome
 31 WebSearch
 30 TodasAsNoticias
 30 Historico
 29 Regimento
 28 Forum
 22 WebChanges
 20 SistemaDeNoticias
 20 WebPreferences
 16 Noticia20051117024206
 14 Noticia20051207021118
Jul 2011 785 0 0 230 Ceb.WebHome
 33 WebSearch
 30 CorpoDocente
 27 SistemaDeNoticias
 23 WebChanges
 22 Forum
 21 TodasAsNoticias
 20 Regimento
 19 Noticia20051117024206
 16 FreeSkinPosTopic
 16 Historico
Jun 2011 694 0 0 216 Ceb.WebHome
 40 SistemaDeNoticias
 31 WebSearch
 26 WebChanges
 24 Noticia20051117024206
 23 Regimento
 22 NoticiaForm
 22 Forum
 21 WebIndex
 21 Historico
 20 Noticia20051207021118
May 2011 878 0 0 366 Ceb.WebHome
 41 WebChanges
 34 Regimento
 33 TodasAsNoticias
 32 Historico
 25 Forum
 23 UltimasNoticias
 20 WebSearch
 20 Noticia20051117024206
 18 Contatos
 17 SistemaDeNoticias
Apr 2011 1348 0 0 281 Ceb.WebHome
 81 WebSearch
 78 Historico
 68 WebChanges
 60 SistemaDeNoticias
 60 Noticia20051207021118
 52 TodasAsNoticias
 38 Forum
 35 Regimento
 35 Noticia20051117024206
 30 UltimasNoticias
Mar 2011 1731 0 0 320 Ceb.WebHome
 98 UltimasNoticias
 65 Forum
 64 Regimento
 60 TodasAsNoticias
 58 WebChanges
 57 WebCSS
 54 WebPreferences
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 52 Historico
 46 SistemaDeNoticias
Feb 2011 1879 0 0 333 Ceb.WebHome
184 Forum
 96 Regimento
 77 SistemaDeNoticias
 69 UltimasNoticias
 67 WebPreferences
 65 TodasAsNoticias
 61 ConteudoCSS
 59 WebChanges
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Jan 2011 1901 0 0 293 Ceb.WebHome
134 Forum
 79 WebChanges
 71 SistemaDeNoticias
 70 WebPreferences
 66 SkinCSS
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 63 Regimento
 56 WebSearch
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Dec 2010 2006 0 0 348 Ceb.WebHome
 99 Forum
 81 WebChanges
 78 Regimento
 77 ProjetoGrafico
 72 WebSearch
 67 Noticia20051117024206
 66 WebCSS
 62 SkinCSS
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 55 Historico
Nov 2010 2309 0 0 344 Ceb.WebHome
100 Forum
 94 SistemaDeNoticias
 93 Regimento
 89 FreeSkinPreTopic
 87 WebSearch
 80 WebNotify
 73 UltimasNoticias
 70 NoticiaTemplate
 67 TodasAsNoticias
 66 WebChanges
Oct 2010 1558 0 0 244 Ceb.WebHome
 97 Forum
 84 TodasAsNoticias
 70 WebChanges
 69 SistemaDeNoticias
 57 Regimento
 54 Historico
 48 WebSearch
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 43 WebPreferences
 34 WebIndex
Sep 2010 1392 0 0 196 Ceb.WebHome
 79 Forum
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 59 WebChanges
 55 Historico
 42 SistemaDeNoticias
 41 UltimasNoticias
 37 ImagensDoLeiaute
 35 Regimento
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 34 TodasAsNoticias
Aug 2010 1542 0 0 150 Ceb.WebHome
101 WebSearch
 75 Forum
 74 FreeSkinPreTopic
 65 WebChanges
 59 Historico
 55 WebPreferences
 49 Regimento
 48 WebCSSConteudo
 46 TodasAsNoticias
 45 SistemaDeNoticias
Jul 2010 1923 0 0 146 Ceb.WebHome
 71 Forum
 67 WebSearch
 66 TodasAsNoticias
 66 LayoutTemplate
 64 Historico
 59 Noticia20051207021118
 58 WebChanges
 52 SistemaDeNoticias
 48 Regimento
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Jun 2010 1776 0 0 157 Ceb.WebHome
 82 Forum
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 67 WebSearch
 66 Historico
 59 Regimento
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 48 SistemaDeNoticias
 48 WebCSS
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 45 WebNotify
May 2010 1974 0 0 225 Ceb.WebHome
 84 Forum
 82 WebSearch
 82 WebChanges
 79 Historico
 69 Regimento
 65 SistemaDeNoticias
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 54 Noticia20051207021118
 52 UltimasNoticias
Apr 2010 1618 0 0 149 Ceb.WebHome
 82 Regimento
 75 WebChanges
 63 SistemaDeNoticias
 63 Historico
 62 Forum
 60 TodasAsNoticias
 59 WebSearch
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 54 Noticia20051207021118
 47 Noticia20051117024206
Mar 2010 2077 0 0 239 Ceb.WebHome
100 Forum
 98 Regimento
 94 SistemaDeNoticias
 89 WebSearch
 89 WebChanges
 88 Noticia20051117024206
 79 Historico
 69 UltimasNoticias
 68 TodasAsNoticias
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Feb 2010 1901 0 0 175 Ceb.WebHome
 92 TodasAsNoticias
 90 Forum
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 85 NoticiaForm
 74 Noticia20051207021118
 73 WebChanges
 65 Historico
 64 SistemaDeNoticias
 63 WebSearch
 62 WebStatistics
Jan 2010 3101 0 0 263 Ceb.WebHome
130 WebChanges
116 Noticia20051207021118
114 WebSearch
112 Forum
109 Noticia20051117024206
108 TodasAsNoticias
107 Historico
 99 Regimento
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Dec 2009 2662 0 0 188 Ceb.WebHome
109 WebChanges
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 78 SistemaDeNoticias
 76 Regimento
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 75 Forum
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 72 Noticia20051207021118
 72 Historico
Nov 2009 2736 0 0 192 Ceb.WebHome
102 WebChanges
 89 TodasAsNoticias
 85 Historico
 81 SistemaDeNoticias
 77 Regimento
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 76 Forum
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 75 WebSearch
 70 WebSearchAdvanced
Oct 2009 3123 0 0 243 Ceb.WebHome
120 SistemaDeNoticias
118 WebSearch
116 Forum
115 Historico
106 Noticia20051117024206
105 WebChanges
 97 Noticia20051207021118
 96 Regimento
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Apr 2008 490 0 0  62 Ceb.WebHome
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 20 WebChanges
 18 SistemaDeNoticias
 18 Forum
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 16 WebStatistics
 14 Noticia20051207021118
 13 TodasAsNoticias
Mar 2008 1052 0 0  71 Ceb.WebHome
 41 WebSearch
 33 WebChanges
 32 Noticia20051117024206
 31 Forum
 31 Historico
 30 SistemaDeNoticias
 27 WebPreferences
 27 FreeSkinPosTopic
 26 Regimento
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Feb 2008 1579 0 0 102 Ceb.WebHome
 65 Historico
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 40 SistemaDeNoticias
 40 TodasAsNoticias
 40 UltimasNoticias
 38 Regimento
 38 ProjetoGrafico
 38 WebCSS
 37 ConteudoCSS
Dec 2007 1031 0 0  94 Ceb.WebHome
 45 UltimasNoticias
 45 Historico
 36 Noticia20051117024206
 35 WebChanges
 32 Regimento
 31 Forum
 28 WebPreferences
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 25 SistemaDeNoticias
 25 WebSearch
Nov 2007 721 0 0  80 Ceb.WebHome
 36 Historico
 34 SistemaDeNoticias
 33 WebSearch
 33 WebChanges
 24 Forum
 22 NoticiaForm
 22 Noticia20051117024206
 22 Noticia20051207021118
 21 WebNotify
 21 TodasAsNoticias
Oct 2007 1184 0 0  86 Ceb.WebHome
 46 WebChanges
 42 Forum
 40 Regimento
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 38 SistemaDeNoticias
 36 Historico
 33 TodasAsNoticias
 32 Noticia20051117024206
 32 WebStatistics
 32 Noticia20051207021118
Sep 2007 2113 0 0 298 ImagensDoLeiaute
142 WebCSSConteudo
137 WebPreferences
129 WebCSS
108 NoticiaForm
105 SistemaDeNoticias
 93 Ceb.WebHome
 66 WebStatistics
 61 MercadoLivre
 61 FormComentaForum
 55 Historico
Aug 2007 3618 0 0 209 ImagensDoLeiaute
199 WebPreferences
177 Ceb.WebHome
167 NoticiaForm
155 WebCSS
136 WebCSSConteudo
122 WebChanges
117 UltimasNoticias
112 SkinCSS
112 WebStatistics
107 SistemaDeNoticias
Jul 2007 4076 0 0 307 Ceb.WebHome
139 WebChanges
137 NoticiaForm
135 SistemaDeNoticias
134 WebSearch
132 TodasAsNoticias
125 Regimento
125 UltimasNoticias
125 Historico
124 WebPreferences
107 ImagensDoLeiaute
Jun 2007 2982 0 0 290 Ceb.WebHome
135 SistemaDeNoticias
127 WebSearch
115 Historico
113 Regimento
113 Forum
111 TodasAsNoticias
 98 WebChanges
 95 NoticiaForm
 91 WebStatistics
 90 WebPreferences
May 2007 1793 0 0 120 Ceb.WebHome
 84 NoticiaForm
 71 WebSearch
 64 WebCSS
 64 Historico
 59 SistemaDeNoticias
 57 Regimento
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 53 TodasAsNoticias
 53 Noticia20051117024206
 51 WebStatistics
Apr 2007 224 0 0  24 Ceb.WebHome
 12 Regimento
 10 SistemaDeNoticias
  9 NoticiaForm
  9 WebSearch
  8 Forum
  8 WebChanges
  8 UltimasNoticias
  7 Historico
  6 WebIndex
  6 MercadoLivre
Mar 2007 2100 0 0 169 Ceb.WebHome
104 SistemaDeNoticias
 83 WebSearch
 82 WebChanges
 79 Noticia20051117024206
 78 Historico
 72 Forum
 68 WebPreferences
 63 TodasAsNoticias
 62 Regimento
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Feb 2007 1905 0 0 138 Ceb.WebHome
 84 SistemaDeNoticias
 68 Historico
 67 WebSearch
 66 WebChanges
 61 Regimento
 60 NoticiaForm
 54 WebRss
 53 Forum
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 51 UltimasNoticias
Jan 2007 1350 0 0 103 Ceb.WebHome
 65 SistemaDeNoticias
 51 TodasAsNoticias
 50 Historico
 49 Regimento
 49 WebSearch
 43 Forum
 42 NoticiaForm
 42 WebChanges
 38 Noticia20051117024206
 38 Noticia20051207021118
Dec 2006 1508 0 0  85 SistemaDeNoticias
 84 Ceb.WebHome
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 61 TodasAsNoticias
 58 Forum
 54 Regimento
 52 Historico
 49 NoticiaForm
 49 WebPreferences
 47 Noticia20051207021118
 44 UltimasNoticias
Nov 2006 633 0 0  31 Ceb.WebHome
 24 SistemaDeNoticias
 24 MercadoLivre
 24 NoticiaForm
 21 Forum
 20 WebSearch
 20 WebStatistics
 19 WebRss
 19 Historico
 18 Regimento
 17 WebCSS
Oct 2006 2330 0 0 264 SistemaDeNoticias
211 ImagensDoLeiaute
129 Ceb.WebHome
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 82 MercadoLivre
 78 WebCSSConteudo
 76 WebStatistics
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 69 WebPreferences
 59 Regimento
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Sep 2006 832 0 0  74 Ceb.WebHome
 59 SistemaDeNoticias
 33 WebRss
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 27 WebSearch
 27 Noticia20051117024206
 25 Regimento
 25 TodasAsNoticias
 25 Historico
 21 Forum
 21 WebChanges
Aug 2006 608 0 0  73 Ceb.WebHome
 37 WebRss
 25 Noticia20051117024206
 25 Historico
 24 WebSearch
 24 Forum
 24 WebChanges
 23 Regimento
 23 SistemaDeNoticias
 22 WebStatistics
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Jul 2006 759 0 0 100 Ceb.WebHome
 41 Regimento
 41 WebRss
 32 SistemaDeNoticias
 28 WebSearch
 28 Historico
 26 WebStatistics
 26 Forum
 26 WebChanges
 25 Noticia20051117024206
 24 Noticia20051207021118
Jun 2006 802 0 0 115 Ceb.WebHome
 53 SistemaDeNoticias
 52 WebRss
 40 WebSearch
 37 TodasAsNoticias
 37 Historico
 35 WebStatistics
 33 Forum
 32 WebChanges
 31 Regimento
 23 Noticia20051207021118
May 2006 756 0 0  82 Ceb.WebHome
 44 SistemaDeNoticias
 40 WebRss
 36 WebChanges
 32 Regimento
 29 WebSearch
 29 WebStatistics
 27 Historico
 24 Noticia20051117024206
 23 Forum
 19 TodasAsNoticias
Apr 2006 747 0 0  75 Ceb.WebHome
 59 SistemaDeNoticias
 35 TodasAsNoticias
 35 WebChanges
 30 Forum
 29 Historico
 28 WebSearch
 27 Regimento
 27 WebPreferences
 26 Noticia20051117024206
 23 Noticia20051207021118
Mar 2006 1213 0 0 140 SistemaDeNoticias
 98 Ceb.WebHome
 55 Historico
 49 Forum
 48 Regimento
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 46 TodasAsNoticias
 44 Noticia20051117024206
 42 WebStatistics
 40 Noticia20051207021118
 36 WebChanges
Feb 2006 876 0 0  87 SistemaDeNoticias
 68 Ceb.WebHome
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 33 NoticiaForm
 33 Noticia20051207021118
 30 WebSearch
 29 Regimento
 29 WebPreferences
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 27 Noticia20051117024206
Jan 2006 1010 1 0 121 Ceb.WebHome
 94 SistemaDeNoticias
 52 NoticiaForm
 45 Historico
 38 WebSearch
 36 Regimento
 36 Forum
 31 TodasAsNoticias
 28 WebChanges
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 27 UltimasNoticias
  1 LeandroSantos
Dec 2005 1176 6 0 167 SistemaDeNoticias
114 Ceb.WebHome
 44 Historico
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 40 Noticia20051117024206
 38 Forum
 37 NoticiaForm
 35 WebStatistics
 33 CorpoDocente
 33 UltimasNoticias
  6 LeandroSantos
Oct 2005 290 0 0  33 Ceb.WebHome
 20 Regimento
 19 Historico
 19 WebStatistics
 18 CorpoDocente
 17 WebChanges
 13 WebRss
 11 WebSearch
 11 WebNotify
 10 MenuCSS
 10 ProjetoGrafico
Sep 2005 188 3 0  28 Ceb.WebHome
 19 WebStatistics
 12 WebNotify
 11 WebPreferences
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebChanges
  8 Historico
  7 SkinCSS
  7 Regimento
  6 WebIndex
  6 CorpoDocente
  3 MariaHelenaBonilla
Jun 2005 0 0 0    
May 2005 0 0 0    
Jul 2005 1336 492 118 434 SkinCSS
229 WebStatistics
187 ImagensDoLeiaute
115 Ceb.WebHome
 47 WebNotify
 47 FreeSkinPosTopic
 41 WebPreferences
 37 ProjetoGrafico
 36 FreeSkinPreTopic
 31 WebSearch
 28 WebRss
610 LeandroSantos
Aug 2005 1076 254 46 171 WebStatistics
153 Ceb.WebHome
106 MenuCSS
 94 ImagensDoLeiaute
 69 FreeSkinPosTopic
 52 SkinCSS
 47 FreeSkinPreTopic
 44 ProjetoGrafico
 33 WebSearch
 32 WebChanges
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299 LeandroSantos
  1 MariaHelenaBonilla
Nov 2005 1814 571 66 470 WebCSS
246 Ceb.WebHome
 82 SistemaDeNoticias
 72 WebPreferences
 67 UltimasNoticias
 52 TodasAsNoticias
 48 FreeSkinPosTopic
 47 ProjetoGrafico
 45 WebStatistics
 45 Historico
 40 CorpoDocente
637 LeandroSantos


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

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