Backlinks to VarINCLUDINGTOPIC in TWiki Web (Search all webs)

Results from TWiki web retrieved at 19:11 (Local)

#VarBASETOPIC BASETOPIC base topic where an INCLUDE started The name of the topic where a single or nested INCLUDE started same as % nop TOPIC% if there ...
#VarINCLUDE INCLUDE{"page"} include other topic or web page Syntax: % nop INCLUDE{"page" ...}% Supported parameters: Parameter: Description ...
#VarINCLUDINGWEB INCLUDINGWEB web that includes current topic The web name of the topic that includes the current topic same as % nop WEB% if there is ...
#VarTOPIC TOPIC name of current topic % nop TOPIC% expands to the name of the topic. If you are looking at the text of an included topic, it is the name ...
Number of topics: 4

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