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"As drogas não podem ser tomadas como um mal em si mesmas, como causa, senão de modo enviesado, ou como o avesso da causa"
Gey Espinheira


Searched: <br />"^Noticia[_0-9]+$"<br />type="regex"<br />scope="topic"<br />topic="Noticia*"<br />limit="1"<br />order="topic"<br />reverse="on"<br />nonoise="on"<br />format="&lt;h1 class='content1-pagetitle'&gt;$formfield(Título)? &lt;/h1&gt;$n&lt;div class='noticia-autor' align='right'&gt; por &lt;b&gt;$formfield(Autor)&lt;/b&gt; em &lt;span class='name-to-date-big name-$topic'&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;p/&gt;$n$percntINCLUDE{$topic}$percnt"<br />

Results from Observa web retrieved at 23:25 (Local)

Set CSS #noticias intro ul { width:430px; margin:0px 0px 0px 10px; padding:0px } #noticias intro li { margin:0px; padding:0px 10px; float:left; list style:none ...
Number of topics: 1

* Set CSS =
#noticias-intro ul { width:430px; margin:0px 0px 0px -10px; padding:0px }
#noticias-intro li { margin:0px; padding:0px 10px; float:left; list-style:none }
#noticias-intro a { text-decoration:none; display:block; width:195px }
#noticias-intro .content-title-noshade-size2 { text-align:left }

<div id="noticias-intro">
Searched: <br />"^Noticia[_0-9]+$"<br />type="regex"<br />scope="topic"<br />topic="Noticia*"<br />limit="3"<br />order="topic"<br />reverse="on"<br />nonoise="on"<br />format=" * &lt;a href='$web.$topic' class='noticia-box'&gt;<br /> &lt;div class='content-title-noshade-size2'&gt;$formfield(Título)&lt;/div&gt;<br /> &lt;div align='right'&gt;&lt;span class='name-to-date-small name-$topic'&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;<br /> &lt;div&gt;$summary(100, noheader)&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/a&gt;"<br />
Number of topics: 0

<br style="clear:both">
$("#noticias-intro li:first").hide();
//$($("#noticias-intro li")[0]).hide();
//style.display = "none";

<h3>Todas as notícias...</h3>

create new tag
