Managing Webs
Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web-based operations.
TWikiSite is divided into webs; each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators (in the
TWikiAdminGroup) can add/rename/delete webs.
Choose Web Template
There are two methods used to create a new web. First you can use a specially designed
TemplateWeb. This is an invisible web that begins with an underscore "_" character (for example
). All topics in the template web will be copied into your new web.
The second method is to use an existing web as a template web. This may be useful if you already have a web that you would like to use as a starting point. Only topics that have names beginning with
Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify", etc.) are copied.
In either case you will want to be sure to verify that your new web has all the custom modifications that you desire.
Adding a New Web
- Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
- While creating the new web, TWiki will update the following variables in the WebPreferences:
. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
- TWiki does not edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences to update the
. This must be done by hand
Renaming or Deleting a Web
Rename a web via the Tools section in each web's
WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.
You may only rename a web if you have permissions to rename all the topics within that web, including any topics in that web's subwebs. You will also need permissions to update any topics containing references to that web.
Edit Conflicts
If anyone is editing a topic which requires updating, or which lives in the web being renamed, a second confirmation screen will come up which will indicate which topics are still locked for edit. You may continue to hit the refresh button until an edit lease is obtained for each topic which requires updating (the "Refresh" button will change to "Submit"), or hit "Cancel", which will cancel your edit lease on all affected topics.
Renaming the webs in the distribution
If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in this web. That means that every
WikiName signature -
- points to it and would need updating (unless the variable,
, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of
WebPreferences, as described above.

If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the relevant settings in the configuration using the
configure interface.
Hierarchical Webs
Hierarchical web support is enabled by turning on the
setting in
. Without this setting, TWiki will only allow a single level of hierarchy (webs). If you set this, you can use multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs.
Note: You might not need hierarchical webs. TWiki topics already have a parent/child relationship within a web, which is shown in the breadcrumb. Try to keep the number of webs to a minimum in order to keep search and cross-referencing simple.
You can create hierarchical webs via the
Adding a New Web form above, by using a slash- or dot-separated path name which is based on an existing web name in the
Name of new web: field.
To create a subweb named
inside a web named
, use
as the new web name in the form above.
Subweb Preferences are Inherited
The preferences of a subweb are inherited from the parent web and overridden locally. Preferences are ultimately inherited from the
TWiki.TWikiPreferences topic.
Example Preference Inheritance for Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic
site-wide preferences
inherits from and overrides settings in TWiki.TWikiPreferences
inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox.WebPreferences
inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb.WebPreferences
inherits from and overrides settings in Sandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.WebPreferences
The Pattern skin (default) indicates Subwebs by indenting them in the sidebar relative to their level in the hierarchy.
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory,