name="WebHome" |
< < | August–December 2007 Start program of teacher and students exchange. One teacher and two students from Brazil will visit Umeå and one teacher from Umeå will visit UFBA. First set of Swedish students will go to UFBA for one semester in Spring 2008 (March –June). And another teacher will go in both directions. |
> > | August�December 2007 Start program of teacher and students exchange. One teacher and two students from Brazil will visit Umeå and one teacher from Umeå will visit UFBA. First set of Swedish students will go to UFBA for one semester in Spring 2008 (March �June). And another teacher will go in both directions. |
Brazilian teachers in Umeå |
Give lectures and seminars on teacher education in Brazil |
< < | Co-supervise Swedish students’ research work |
> > | Co-supervise Swedish students� research work |
Give support to Brazilian students in Umeå |
Study curriculum of Swedish schools and teacher education. |
< < | Co-supervise Brazilian students’ school practice in Umeå |
> > | Co-supervise Brazilian students� school practice in Umeå |
Planning and initiating process of co-authoring of didactical materials and research papers
Exchange experience of using ICT in teacher education including distance education. |
< < | First: One teacher from UFBA - Autumn 2007 (one month, between September to December) |
> > | First: One teacher from UFBA - Nelson Pretto - Spring 2008 |
| |
< < | Second: Nelson Pretto, from UFBA - Febrary/March 2008 |
> > | 06.05.2008 - travel to Umeä
- visit Aveiro University and Minho University - Portugal
06.06.2008 - Return from Umeä to Salvador |
Swedish teachers in Salvador (UFBA) |
< < | Teach courses in Programma de posgraduação em educação. |
> > | Teach courses in Programa de Pós-graduação em educação. |
Give lectures and seminars on teacher education in Sweden and Europe (Bologna Process). |
< < | Co-supervise Brazilian students’ research work |
> > | Co-supervise Brazilian students� research work |
Give support to Swedish students in Brazil |
Study curriculum of Brazilian schools and teacher education. |
< < | Co-supervise and examine Swedish students’ school practice in Salvador/Bahia/Brazil |
> > | Co-supervise and examine Swedish students� school practice in Salvador/Bahia/Brazil |
Planning and initiating process of co-authoring of didactical materials and research papers
Exchange experience of using ICT in teacher education including distance education. |
< < | First: |
> > | First: Oleg Popov
11. Feb.2008 - travel to Salvador
17.02.2008 = meeting to plan the visit and the Brazilian students travel |
| |
< < | Second: Feb.2008 to Jul.2008 |
> > | 11.03.2008 - return to Umeä2008 |
Brazilian students in Umeå: |
Visit schools for observation practice |
< < | Participate in students’ life of Umeå university |
> > | Participate in students� life of Umeå university |
Write a blogg on their visit/experience in Sweden (that will be linked to the homepage of the cooperation programme). |
< < | First 2 students: Autumn 2007 |
> > |
12.03.2008 - travel from Salvador to Umeä
26.06.2008 - return from Umeä to Salvador |
Swedish students in Salvador (UFBA): |
Visit schools for observation practice and data collection for diploma/examination work research |
< < | Participate in students’ life of UFBA university |
> > | Participate in students� life of UFBA university |
Write a blogg on their visit/experience in Brazil (that will be linked to the homepage of the cooperation programme). |
< < | First 2 students: |
Documents |