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Dishonest employees are between the best challenges every business has to face. Because a executive or business owner, you may discover unusual adjusts in the amount about money you take inside on certain days or during certain shifts. This remains oftentimes a clue that is you have a dishonest employee.
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Surveillance camera
1 Don't notify your staff about your concerns. The dishonest employee may never be the 1 you suspect. Employees might tip off other workers of your concerns or mention it in casual conversation because it's juicy gossip.
2 Attempt to limit down the days or shifts when your till seems to be off. This will give you a good idea about when the dishonest employee may be working.
4 If you start a new till or exchange one out during the shift, this will give you the opportunity to duplicate lower the serial numbers on the bills (or photocopy them, if easier) inside the till. When the worker denies taking any money out about the till also empties his/her pockets, wallet, etc. you will be able to match up the serial numbers from the money you placed inside the till to the money within the worker's possession.
5 Confront the employee instantly following the money is taken. It remains smart to phone collateral/police or boast someone back you up since you approach the employee. If you can carry out it in any public place, the employee will be reduced likely to lead to a scene.
6 Decide how you need to handle the situation. Besides firing the worker, you may wish to press charges. This will take time and work also you may not become any cash the employee in the past stole back. See if it is worth your particular time and effort to pursue the matter.
CNN/Money; Arresting Employee Theft; Nov. 13, 1997