"As drogas, mesmo o crack, são produtos químicos sem alma: não falam, não pensam e não simbolizam. Isto é coisa de humanos. Drogas, isto não me interessa. Meu interesse é pelos humanos e suas vicissitudes."
Antonio Nery Filho

Cognitive bias and drug craving in recreational cannabis users

por FIELD, Matt; MOGG, Karin; BRADLEY, Brendan P. em date de undefined de name

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FIELD, Matt; MOGG, Karin; BRADLEY, Brendan P. 2004    

Instituição de Origem Estado Instituição Instituição Responsável
Drug and Alcohol Dependence   School of Psychology - Univesity of Southampthon

Formato da Obra Formato DisponívelSorted descending Número de Páginas Idioma
Artigo em Periódico Texto integral 7 Inglês

Recent theories propose that repeated drug use is associated with attentional and evaluative biases for drug-related stimuli, and that these cognitive biases are related to individual differences in subjective craving. This study investigated cognitive biases for cannabis-related cues in recreational cannabis users. Seventeen regular cannabis users and 16 non-users completed a visual probe task which assessed attentional biases for cannabis-related words, and an implicit association test (IAT) which assessed implicit positive or negative associations for cannabis-related words. Results from the IAT indicated more negative associations for cannabis-related words in non-users compared to users. Among cannabis users, those with high levels of cannabis craving had a significant attentional bias for cannabis-related words on the visual probe task, but those with low levels of craving did not. Results highlight the role of craving in attentional biases for cannabis-related stimuli.

Palavras Chave Cannabis,Craving,Drug cues,Attentional bias,IAT
Referência para Citação FIELD, Matt. Et Al.Cognitive bias and drug craving in recreational cannabis users. UK: University of Southampton Elsevier Ireland, 2004

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