"As drogas, mesmo o crack, são produtos químicos sem alma: não falam, não pensam e não simbolizam. Isto é coisa de humanos. Drogas, isto não me interessa. Meu interesse é pelos humanos e suas vicissitudes."
Antonio Nery Filho

Harm reduction: the cannabis paradox

por MELAMENTE, Robert em

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MELAMENTE, Robert 2005    

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Harm Reduct Journal   PubMed? Central (PMC) - U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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Artigo em Periódico   13 Inglês

This article examines harm reduction from a novel perspective. Its central thesis is that harm reduction is not only a social concept, but also a biological one. More specifically, evolution does not make moral distinctions in the selection process, but utilizes a cannabis-based approach to harm reduction in order to promote survival of the fittest. Evidence will be provided from peerreviewed scientific literature that supports the hypothesis that humans, and all animals, make and use internally produced cannabis-like products (endocannabinoids) as part of the evolutionary harm reduction program. More specifically, endocannabinoids homeostatically regulate all body systems (cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, excretory, immune, nervous, musculo-skeletal, reproductive). Therefore, the health of each individual is dependant on this system working appropriately.

Palavras Chave Cannabis sativa,History,Harm Reduction,Medicinal Use,Therapeutics
Link http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1261530&blobtype=pdf
Referência para Citação MELAMENTE, Robert. Harm reduction: the cannabis paradox. Harm Reduct Journal, 2: 17, 2005.

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